Wednesday, November 20, 2024

10 signs of gender identity disorder’ Meet the Best Psychiatrists - Dr. Anuja Kelkar (MBBS, MD)


Gender identity disorder, now referred to as gender dysphoria, involves a strong, persistent identification with a gender different from one's assigned sex at birth. Signs of gender dysphoria can vary, but common indicators include:

1. **Persistent Discomfort**: A strong, ongoing discomfort with one's assigned sex and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics.

2. **Desire to Change Sex Characteristics**: A strong desire to be rid of one's primary and/or secondary sex characteristics due to a marked incongruence with one’s experienced gender.

3. **Desire for Sex Characteristics of Another Gender**: A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender.

4. **Desire to Be Another Gender**: A strong desire to be of another gender.

5. **Desire to Be Treated as Another Gender**: A strong desire to be treated as another gender.

6. **Conviction of Different Gender**: A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender.

7. **Distress or Impairment**: Significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning due to the incongruence.

8. **Preference for Clothing of Another Gender**: A marked preference for wearing clothes typical of another gender.

9. **Preference for Roles of Another Gender**: A strong preference for playing roles or engaging in activities typically associated with another gender.

10. **Strong Aversion to Gender Norms**: A strong dislike or aversion to toys, games, and activities typically associated with one's assigned gender.

Early recognition and support are crucial for individuals experiencing gender dysphoria to help them navigate their feelings and find appropriate care and resources.

To know more about Dr. Anuja Kelkar, kindly visit our website Dr Anuja Kelkar

Contact us today to schedule your appointment on +91-9503309619, 9975726836 and embark on your journey to mental wellness with Mental Care Clinic.


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