Wednesday, November 27, 2024

‘False memory’ Meet the Best Psychiatrists - Dr. Anuja Kelkar ( MBBS, MD)



False memory refers to the phenomenon where an individual recalls an event or detail that did not actually occur, or remembers it differently from how it happened. False memories can range from minor distortions of actual events to complete fabrications. They can arise from various factors and have significant implications for personal recollections, legal proceedings, and psychological well-being.

Key aspects of false memory include:

Distorted Recall: False memories involve inaccuracies in recalling details of an event. For instance, a person might remember a conversation happening in a location where it did not actually take place.

Formation of False Memories: False memories can be influenced by suggestive questioning, misinformation, or exposure to misleading information. For example, leading questions during interviews or media exposure can alter an individual's memory of an event.

Implications: False memories can impact eyewitness testimonies in legal contexts, leading to wrongful convictions or inaccuracies in legal decisions. They also affect personal relationships and self-perception.

Research: Psychological research into false memory explores how memories are formed, how they can be altered, and how to differentiate between true and false recollections. Techniques such as the use of suggestive questioning and exposure to misinformation have been shown to increase the likelihood of false memories.

Understanding false memories is crucial for improving the accuracy of recollections and minimizing the risk of misinformation in various contexts.

To know more about Dr. Anuja Kelkar, kindly visit our website Dr Anuja Kelkar

Contact us today to schedule your appointment on +91-9503309619 , 9975726836 and embark on your journey to mental wellness with MentalCare Clinic.







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