Wednesday, November 20, 2024

‘10 SIGNS OF AVOIDANT PERSONALITY DISORDER’ Meet the Best Psychiatrists - Dr. Anuja Kelkar ( MBBS, MD)


Here are ten signs of Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD):

Persistent Avoidance: Consistent avoidance of social interactions, activities, or occupations that involve significant interpersonal contact due to fear of criticism, rejection, or disapproval.

Hypersensitivity to Criticism: Excessive sensitivity to criticism or negative evaluation, leading to feelings of inadequacy or inferiority.

Social Inhibition: Reluctance to engage in new activities or relationships, especially when there is a risk of embarrassment or humiliation.

Isolation: Preferring solitude and avoiding social situations, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and alienation.

Fear of Rejection: Intense fear of rejection, leading to avoidance of situations where rejection is possible, such as asking for help or initiating social interactions.

Low Self-Esteem: Chronic feelings of being socially inept, unappealing, or inferior to others, contributing to a negative self-image.

Difficulty Trusting Others: Distrust or skepticism of others' intentions, leading to reluctance to form close relationships or share personal information.

Physical Symptoms: Symptoms of anxiety, such as sweating, trembling, or rapid heartbeat, in social situations.

Avoidance of Responsibility: Avoidance of situations where there is a risk of failure or criticism, leading to underachievement or missed opportunities.

Preoccupation with Rejection: Excessive worry or preoccupation with being criticized, rejected, or ridiculed in social situations, impacting daily functioning and overall well-being.

To know more about Dr. Anuja Kelkar, kindly visit our website Dr Anuja Kelkar

Contact us today to schedule your appointment on +91-9503309619 , 9975726836 and embark on your journey to mental wellness with MentalCare Clinic.






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